Xaurum cena
Xaurum (XAUR) historic and live price charts from all exchanges. Find all related cryptocurrency info and read about Xaurum's latest news.
Xaurum has a current supply of 71,186,187.49216098. The last known price of Xaurum is 0.02331563 USD and is down -25.46 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 3 active market (s) with $39,959.89 traded over the last 24 hours. Xaurum Price (XAUR).
Also Xaurum price on a weekly basis decreased by -39.63%. XAURUM PRODUCTION PRICE 0.3151 $ EXPLANATION. The price of producing new XAUR token is defined as Production price. Production price is XAURUM’s most important external parameter, that allows Xaurum to respond to its external market conditions. Kurs Xaurum (XAUR) z dnia dzisiejszego to $0,03451884 z 24-godznnym wolumenem obrotu $10 030,85.
Xaurum Community. Here you can find Xaurum Community logos. Community is important part of Xaurum story and expands under and with different Masternode activities. When using the logos, please publish the following statement alongside: »This page/material is not official Xaurum account/promo material and do not in any way represent the views
At the moment, the price was $0.092415. Xaurum - Crypto Market Update - Oct 21 2016 by MarketReport.
Nazwa, Symbol, Cena (USD), Kap. Wol. (24h), Cał. wol. 1392, Xaurum, XAUR, 0,024129, $1,49M, $51,89K, 0%, +8,15%, -43,39%. 1393, Primas, PST, 0,0291
1.444.575 €. Vol. (24h). 31.808 €. Xaurum (Xaurum) Token Tracker on Etherscan shows the price of the Token $0.0185, total supply 71186187.49216098, number of holders 3631 and updated Xaurum cena danes 24/02/2021 - povprečna trgovalna mera Xaurum za danes na vseh borzah kripto valut . Xaurum cena se izračuna iz vsake transakcije 26 Feb 2018 Jure Ristic, Xaurum Masternode and CEO of Golden Node d.o.o.. njegova cena odvisna tako od povpraševanja kot od vrednosti zalog zlata.
1392, Xaurum, XAUR, 0,024129, $1,49M, $51,89K, 0%, +8,15%, -43,39%. 1393, Primas, PST, 0,0291 Posebnost te kriptovalute se kaže v tem, da je vsak Xaurum kovanec krit z zlatom, za kar skrbi neodvisna institucija. Veliko ljudi, ki so tako dvomili v stabilnosti Vítame vás na xaurum. Unikátnosť a excelentné 6 jednoduchých krokov od Xaurum vás spoľahlivo prevedie celým procesom Veľmi priaznivá cena.
Also the independent retail network of Belfius is now using Xaurum software. The following products are deployed: Course Control, Learning Portal and Quality Sensor. Usability and renting only in xaurum (XAUR) and gamma (XGM). Xaurum street will be located on the south-west of the island Krk, Croatia. The street will be private, accessible only to residents. Building will be finished on the 1st of May 2018 and opened for the summer season of 2018 the construction starts during ICO. Xaurum Belgium Tel : 32 (0) 2 657.36.55 , Xaurum Nederland Tel : +31 (0)76 549 99 99 Xaurum integrates into the Baloise Insurance website for brokers and allows the brokers to engage in learning activities and keep track of their Cauwenbergs certification status. Belfius Xaurum software has been deployed for Belfius Insurance, Belfius Bank and the independent retail network of Belfius.
1w. 1m. 1y. all. Market cap $ 2.4M.
Production price is XAURUM’s most important external parameter, that allows Xaurum to respond to its external market conditions. Kurs Xaurum (XAUR) z dnia dzisiejszego to $0,03451884 z 24-godznnym wolumenem obrotu $10 030,85. Kurs wzrosła o 11.2% w ciągu ostatnich 24 godzin. W obiegu znajduje się 71 Milion tokenów, a ich całkowita liczba to 71,2 Milion.
Route de la Mare, 13 F, 78550 Gressey Yvelines E-mail: info@xaurum.fr. Xaurum Polska.
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What is Xaurum? Xaurum is a cryptocurrency backed by 999,99 LBMA gold. Gold brings trust and stability to the currency and Xaurum expands this ideology further by introducing a constantly growing gold base by implementing Xaurum mechanisms. All the gold in the commonwealth is owned by Xaurum community and is exchangeable for XAUR anytime, anywhere.
XAURUM PRODUCTION PRICE 0.3151 $ EXPLANATION. The price of producing new XAUR token is defined as Production price. Production price is XAURUM’s most important external parameter, that allows Xaurum to respond to its external market conditions. Kurs Xaurum (XAUR) z dnia dzisiejszego to $0,03451884 z 24-godznnym wolumenem obrotu $10 030,85.